منزل>المنتجات>Sumitomo Hydraulic Internal Gear Pump>SUMITOMO Drive Getriebemotor CNFMS012-6120DAEB-731/GV63S/4 I=731 - unused -
SUMITOMO Drive Getriebemotor CNFMS012-6120DAEB-731/GV63S/4 I=731 - unused - MODELS
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SUMITOMO Drive Getriebemotor CNFMS012-6120DAEB-731/GV63S/4 I=731 - unused -
Sumitomo Hydraulic Internal Gear Pump
SUMITOMO Drive Getriebemotor CNFMS012-6120DAEB-731/GV63S/4 I=731 - unused - SPECIFICATIONS
SUMITOMO Drive Getriebemotor CNFMS012-6120DAEB-731/GV63S/4 I=731 - unused -
- New other (see details)
- CNFMS012-6120DAEB-731/GV63S/4
- 66288 R.B.
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- Nicht zutreffend
- Nicht zutreffend
- kamenzhang2020-07-10 09:46:19
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- New other (see details)
- CNFMS012-6120DAEB-731/GV63S/4
- 66288 R.B.
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- Nicht zutreffend
- Nicht zutreffend
SUMITOMO Drive Getriebemotor CNFMS012-6120DAEB-731/GV63S/4 I=731 - unused - وصف المنتج
SUMITOMO Drive Getriebemotor CNFMS012-6120D
When the gear rotates, the volume of the space on the gear off side becomes small and forms a vacuum to suck the liquid, and the volume of the space on the gear meshing side changes from large to large Small, and the liquid into the pipe to go.
The suction chamber and the discharge chamber are separated by the meshing lines of the two gears. The pressure at the discharge port of the gear pump depends entirely on the resistance at the pump outlet.
The concept of the gear pump is very simple, that is, its most basic form is the same size of the two gears in a tight fit with the internal rotation of the shell, the shell of the internal similar to the "8" shape, the two gear mounted inside , The outer diameter of the gear and the two sides with the shell closely. The material from the extruder enters the middle of the two gears at the suction port and fills the space, moving along the housing as the teeth rotate, and finally discharging when the teeth are engaged.
Our Company is proud to support our quality products with SUMITOMO Drive Getriebemotor CNFMS012-6120D
We have Regional Sales Managers that will work with you to identify opportunities, review requirements, provide training and assist with forecasting and commercial concerns. Our Industry Service Specialists will take it to the next level by providing field services such as; SUMITOMO Drive Getriebemotor CNFMS012-6120D
We can provide complete SUMITOMO Drive Getriebemotor CNFMS012-6120D
This total approach of application, equipment, products and maintenance will lead to Our company’s goal of helping you establish the best practices for your specific situation resulting in the best value and return on bearing and maintenance expense through improved performance and reduced downtime.
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SUMITOMO Drive Getriebemotor CNFMS012-6120DAEB-731/GV63S/4 I=731 - unused -
Artikelzustand: unbenutzt, ungetestet
Lagerware: Alter ist unbekannt
condition: unused, untested
Stock of inventory: age unknown
Wellendurchmesser : 35 mm
Lochkreisabstand : ca. mm
Gewicht ca. 26000 Gramm
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SUMITOMO Drive Getriebemotor CNFMS012-6120DAEB-731/GV63S/4 I=731 - unused - Technical Articles
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Sumitomo Hydraulic Internal Gear Pump CATEGORIES
- A10VSO (Series 32)
- (A)A4VSO (Series 10 & 30)
- A15VSO (Series 10)
- AA4VG (Series 32)
- AA10VG (Series 10)
- Hitachi Hydraulic Pump
- Eaton
- Sauer Danfoss
- vane pumps
- gear pumps
- check valves
- relief valves
- Gold cup P7R series piston pump
- rexroth pump
- rexroth linear
- rexroth valve
- pressure valves
- solenoid directional valves
- control valves
- PV7 - Direct Operated
- Vickers vane pump
- T6CC vane pump
- PV pump
- PVT6 pump
- yuken Hydraulic Pump
- siemens
- Gold cup P7 pump
- Gold cup P8R series piston pump
- NACHI Hydraulic Pump
- Gold cup P8 pump
- daikin Hydraulic Pump
- Worldcup P8W Pump
- Gold cup P6P series pump
- Gold cup P7P series pump
- Gold cup P8P series pump
- Gold cup P6R series piston pump
- filteration filter elements
- Vickers Hydraulic Pump
- Denison Hydraulic Pump
- Gold cup P6 pump
- Gold cup P11 pump
- Gold cup P14 pump
- Gold cup P24 pump
- Gold cup P30 pump
- parker gear pump
- Rexroth Hydraulic Pump
- Bosch Hydraulic Pump
- A10V(S)O & (A)A10VSO (Series 31)
- A1VO (Series 10)
- A10V(S)O (Series 52)
- piston pumps
- Other Pump
- Komatsu Hydraulic Pump
- Linde Hydraulic Pump
- operated directional valves
- Dansion P080 pump
- Dansion P110 pump
- Dansion P140 pump
- Dansion P200 pump
- Dansion P260Q pump
- WorldcupP6W Pump
- Worldcup P7W Pump
- fans cooling
- piston motors
- pressure swithes
- accessories
- mitsubishi
- Sumitomo Hydraulic Internal Gear Pump
- A11V
- Vickers